It’s Safe Not to Hide

It’s Safe Not to Hide

Hello and welcome to my debut novel ‘It’s Safe Not to Hide’ To you the reader, young adults, parents, grandparents, teachers, carers, therapists, all walks of life whoever you are and wherever you may be. Whether you are an avid reader or maybe this is the first time you’ve opened a paperback and put your […]
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Exploring the Brighter Little Minds Series

The Brighter Little Minds series, published by Orpen Press in 2013, uses stories to bring about positive psychological changes in children and young people. Now, this guide for teachers and parents provides fun activities and advice on how to build on and learn from the stories to help children dealing with issues such as anger […]
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“Ning just loves turning things around. In fact, he even did this with his own name. He gave himself the full name of Ning-Tur, when really his name is Tur-Ning … like the word ‘turning’ … No wonder Ning liked to turn things around with a name like that!” ​When Ning is feeling playful, he […]
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Watching Raindrops

“Plip-plop, whoosh … well, oh well, brolly, brolly, broosh!” ​You might have noticed that when it rains really hard there are puddles all over the place, puddles you can jump right into and splash about in! ​But umbrellas also enjoy the rain. One day, an umbrella gets left behind in the house on a rainy […]
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King Giggle

King Giggle is no ordinary king. Sometimes when he is nervous or upset he has a “wobbly” feeling, just like jelly when it isn’t set. Other times, he gets a feeling inside his tummy like there is a butterfly flying around. And to top it all, his heart sometimes beats so fast that it feels […]
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Lilly and Harry

Meet Lilly, the lopsided candle, and Harry the horse, who was made by a very clever glassblower in Venice. Lilly was lopsided because she had been left on a windowsill in the sun and part of her had melted. She often felt useless because she couldn’t stand up properly. Harry’s family had made him into […]
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Sortof the Snail

“This is the tale of Sortof the snail. He was called Sortof because he was sort of this and sort of that. Mostly he was a really happy sort of snail, and then, at other times, he had a sort of worrying feeling. He was sometimes sort of scared. This was usually at night when […]
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Sid, Spark and the Signal Man

“‘Chuggedy-chuggedy, chuggedy-chuggedy, chuggedychuggedy, woo-oo, woo-oo.’ That was a train named Sid. “‘Chuggedy-chuggedy, chuggedy-chuggedy, chuggedychuggedy, woo-oo, woo-oo.’ And that was a train named Spark. ” Sid and Spark love travelling along their tracks, but sometimes the railway tracks need to change direction and the lines have to be properly controlled by the signal man. If the […]
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